Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas!

This is Christmas season, an exciting period which objective is celebrate the born of Jesus and a moment to spend with family.

This is the second christmas I spend away from home, and still sucks, I guess we always want to be surrounded by our relatives. Me and my friends, we all come to study to Taiwan, we don't have family here and sadly, the weeks coincide with the final exams and we often find ourselves struggling to find some time to attend all the dinners, lunches and gatherings to share with each other, but still we find the time... Because we believe that making that time to share with others is worth it, even though is just a few hours or a few minutes.

Please take your time to celebrate and spend time with the ones you love.

Wish you all,

Merry Christmas !!! Feliz Navidad !!! 聖誕快樂 !!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

health concerns

I've recently got a flu that have lasted for 10 days so far, I've been to the doctor twice and still my throat is soaring, so now I'm concerned, I even checked the web of ways of how to ease the pain, but after the 10 days, I now ask myselft, am I doing everything to get rid of this sickness?

Reviewing my activies in the last two weeks I've been feeling bad:
1. I went to swim twice.
2. I went to run once in cold weather.
3. I didn't use a scarf at least 3 days.
4. I just did gargles with salt once.
5. I have not slept enough.
6. I have not drink enough water.

So... Should I complaint? I guess not. I should get better habits and learn from what I read.

I don't have the link about the cold, but I'm sure you can search it on the web.

Just as a reminder, when you wash your hands, do it for at least 20 seconds and please, use soap!, I'm not mysophobic, here is why you must:

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dissapointed with Google Maps

Today Mighty Google went down one step in my Likert Scale, let me explain a little further.

As a programmer, I like languages and APIs to do everything they should do, that is the case 99% of the time, but there's this tiny 1% when things are just not good enough. Today was the turn of google maps api.

I'm doing a map application for mobile devices and first thing i marked in my list was this google map api, just to realize some hours later that mobile devices did not fully support java script and therefore my effort was useless (reflected in a blank page in the mobile browser).

So... It's not Google's fault, but still a problem with the mobile devices, I should have done my homework first (reading the API's FAQ) before investing time on it.

Now I just hope technology start moving faster, and the Mighty Company my help us with this matter in the near future... maybe next time I should try with a G-phone.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Business Processes in the web

Lately I've been studying the problems and consideration by moving business online: transform distribution, manufacturing, Product design and other business processes to be presence in the web can be a very long process, but it really doesn't have to be that painfull, it's all about commitment from the top management and cooperation from all the other layers (sounds easy in an overview).

Different organizations have different approaches, so there's no single answer for this, but it's clear that all organizations need to improve their business using any tool they can get, and the web can helps us all if use correctly, and can also improve our brand image with our customers.

So next time you see a traditional business process, try to think about adding some web tools to spice it up, maybe your company can work better after the seasoning.